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Every Man is an Island

Rocking out at the end of the world

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

If I were Lost, I'd be just fine

It was only a matter of time before I discovered the magic of TV shows on DVD while in the Marshall Islands. With a fair amount of free time, I could be doing something constructive like reading or even writing, but of course I'm doing what anyone else would do, watching endless amounts of television.

After I graduated but before I left for Majuro, a friend and I managed to polish off the first two seasons of The West Wing. When I came back after my first year here, I went on a mad TV show burning spree. I got a hold of five seasons of The West Wing and The Sopranos. Upon returning to Majuro, I managed to finish most of The West Wing before my DVD book was stolen. I, of course, was totally sad. I asked my landlord/neighbor if he could keep an eye out for anyone who all of a sudden has a new collection of DVDs to watch. A few days later he came by really excited because he had found my DVDs. I was like, "Whoa, really?" He said, "Yeah! You have a lot of good porn!" Sadly, I informed him that my DVDs were not porn. He seemed disappointed but then tried to liven my spirits by inviting me to go watch porn with him. I declined.

This year I broke down and bought the complete series of The West Wing, all seven seasons. I finished it a few months ago and am now rewatching it. My friend recently got her hands on Lost and asked if I wanted to blitz through it with her. While we were watching I suddenly ran through a couple of thoughts. My first thought was, "Wow it would really suck to be stuck on a deserted island." Then I thought, "Wow, how much more would it suck if this happened to me on my flight back to the States? I would be so excited only to be so stuck."

I think my friend sensed what I was thinking because she then asked aloud, "Dude, can you imagine if our flights out of here got stranded?"

I answered, "Yeah, that would really blow."

She looked at me quizzically and said, "What? Are you kidding?" Seeing the perplexed look on my face she proceeded to explain. "We would crash land with a bunch of Pacific Islanders! We'd be totally OK!"

"Wow, you're right," I responded. "I never thought about that. I guess there's no better people to crash land with is there?" We continued to watch.

"Ha!" I exclaimed, after watching the fat white guy try to catch a fish. "We wouldn't have that problem."

"Yeah we'd have so much fish to eat," she said. "Why aren't they eating any coconuts?"

"Because they don't know how to get them," I answered. "We would totally be able to rock that."

"Yeah, we'd probably even gain weight on that island since we're so badass," she said.

After awhile I chimed in again. "Hey, what about the monster?"

"OK, maybe not crash landing in the first place is a better idea."


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